Thursday, December 5, 2013

Photo Dump

It has been a busy week so I have several random pictures that I need to post.  Here goes...

Ben's basketball season has started up.  He (and I) really enjoyed playing basketball last year so it we are for this season.  He has a really good coach and is enjoying is so far.  Can't wait for games to get started in the new year.  

 This year we have been carpooling to preschool with Kaylee.  It has been wonderful not to have to drive over the mountain everyday.  It has also been great to get to have Kate and Kaylee hang out more.  They have such a sweet friendship.  I love getting to know her and do fun stuff with her during carpool!  We stopped for Frosty's on the way to dance on Tuesday.  These 2 girls laughed and laughed.  it was so much fun!
 And how cute are these twins??  Kate and Addy were so excited they were dressed alike.
 Since we have just 3 weeks until Christmas, Kate has been wearing all of her Christmas clothes each day.  I love Christmas clothes!!
 Perry and Kelly came over for dinner tonight.  Aren't these cousins so fun!  They have a great time together.
I guess that is all of the photos I had on my phone from the week.  Just a few snapshots of our week!

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