Monday, December 9, 2013

War Eagle Again!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All I can say is wow!!!!!  I mean who would have thought 4 months ago that I could say these words...  Auburn is SEC Champs!!!  Insane!!!!  It blows my mind every time I think about it.  The game on Saturday against Missouri was just wonderful.  Auburn's run game was amazing.  It was a lot of fun to watch.  

Watching the game was a little different than last week when we got to watch all together.  Kate and I went over and watched with LeeAnn and her girls.  We pretty much chased little people around the house.  We did have some fun food and baked cookies.  We caught snatches of the game every once in a while.  
 Ben went to a birthday party for his buddy Eli.  It was a movie party with boys and girls.  There were some interesting stories of mistletoe.  They watched a little bit of the end of the game.  Ben had a blast.
 Matt was in Orlando for a meeting.  Ugh!!  It falls on SEC championship game every year so we have rarely gotten to watch it together.  He went with the other Auburn pharmacists to the Orlando Auburn Club viewing party.  He said it was a lot of fun.  They even rolled the trees outside the restaurant when Auburn won.
 So even though we weren't together we all had fun cheering on our Tigers!!

After our win we had to watch the Ohio State game.  Thankfully Michigan State won so that means...
Yes Auburn is going to the National Championship game!!!!!  I think we are all still in shock.  We are trying to figure out if we can make the trip.  I mean it really wasn't in our budget for the year (like not at all since we had no idea we would even be going to a bowl game).  No matter what we are so excited to get to cheer on Auburn January 6th!  What a great way to start 2014!!

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