Sunday, December 1, 2013

WAR EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ok it has been over 24 hour since the end of the Iron Bowl and I still don't think we have fully recovered.  It was the most AMAZING game ever!!!!  It was set up to be an epic game and we knew it would be good but we had no idea how good.  The game went back and forth.  Literally a last second play of a returned field goal and we won.  It was INSANE!!!!!!!  I have experienced some amazing games as an Auburn fan but this one was just amazing.  2 games in a row where we won in amazing fashion.  It is awesome.  Who would have thought we would be ranked #3 in the nation?  CRAZY!!!!  We have watched the last second of the game over and over today.  I think we are still having to convince ourselves that we really won.  

The Cabras were sweet and invited us over to watch the game with them.  It was great because the kids played and left the adults alone to watch the game.  We made so much "football food."  It was a good thing because in our nervousness we just ate and ate.  
 Such a fun Auburn family picture!  Celebrating an AMAZING victory!!
 When the game ended there was so much screaming!!  I mean it was insane.  Jumping and screaming and yelling.  I think we may have scared the children.  We had to go outside and do some rolling after we calmed down.  The kids loved rolling the trees.

What a way to finish up the regular season.  Up next is the SEC Championship game!! We are so proud of our Tigers this year.

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