Monday, February 3, 2014

A "Super" Weekend

We sure did enjoy our weekend.  You could even say it was "super."  (I know that was corny sorry).  The weekend started off great with some good news on my dad.  Always good when scans find no active cancer!  Friday night Matt went over to my brother's house to play games so the kids and I ate at Chic fil a with our favorite red head and his mom.  They came back to our house and Kelly went through Ben's old clothes and picked out stuff for Perry for the next year.  I love seeing him wear Ben's old clothes.  So fun!  

Saturday was full of fun stuff.  I went for a long run (only 3 weeks until the big race.  AHHHHHH!!).  Then Ben had a basketball game.  He played his best buddy Evan's team.  they are so cute in this picture!
 After the game, my parents took the kids to their house for the night!!  We were so excited to have the whole evening to ourselves.  We went and saw the new Jack Ryan movie.  It was good.  Full of action.  Then we did a little shopping and walking around Bridge Street.  Then we finished up with a late dinner at Melting Pot.  One of our favorite places!  So yummy.  The food was great but the service not so much but that's ok.  It was so nice to have some time that was just us!
We got the kids back at church on Sunday.  Our friends the Carlisles invited us over to watch the Super Bowl.  It was fun to get together with some of our friends we hadn't seen in a while.  The kids had so much fun and it was great to catch up with friends.  The game wasn't all that exciting and our boy Peyton didn't do so well but it was still fun.  Hate that football is all over for now.  Can't wait for August!!

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