Sunday, February 9, 2014

Gold Medal Weekend

We have had one of the super rare weekends - a weekend where we didn't have much going on.  It was wonderful!!!!  Friday night we were supposed to have an Olympic party at the McClures house but due to some sickness at their house we didn't get to go.  The kids were a bit bummed but a fun bubble bath in the big bathtub made it all better!
 We then all curled up and watched the opening ceremonies.  It was fun to watch (and make fun of at times).  Kate fell asleep in my lap which I of course loved!
 Saturday morning we went for breakfast at Panera.  It was our tradition for several years but due to busyness we haven't bee in forever.   It was great to be back!
 Ben then went to see the Lego Movie with Micah to celebrate his 7th birthday!  When did these little guys get so big.  I remember when they were just babies.  They have been best buddies for years!
 Kate and Matt worked on building her big Lego set she got for Christmas.  She is loving the "girl Legos."
 Saturday night we went over to Keldrew's house (our nickname for Kelly and Andrew).  We had a pizza dinner and played a few games.  The Olympics were on in the background.  My dad was not feeling good after chemo last week.  He is a rock star because this was chemo 16!  Kate cuddled up with him for some Grandaddy loving.
 Today was church and getting ready for the week ahead.  I also ran 8.5 miles.  Just 2 weeks until the big race.  Kate looked so pretty in her red dress today.
It is a super exciting week coming up.  Valentines day always brings fun times.  And there is even a rumor of snow to start off the week.  Hopefully that will pan out!

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