Thursday, February 20, 2014

My Heart

Making the decision to have a child is momentous.  It is to decide forever to have your heart go walking around outside your body.  - Elizabeth Stone
I don't know if there is any truer quote on motherhood ever said than this.  I remember when I was pregnant with Ben telling my mom I couldn't wait until he was born so I didn't have to worry so much.  Ha!!  My mom laughed and said just wait.  She was so right!

I have struggled a lot lately with fears and doubts related to my kids and being a mom.  Not something I am used to.  I am not a fearful person normally but these 2 little people seem to bring it out in me.  I worry about the future and about what it holds for them.  At times it can be overwhelming to think about.  Thankfully God is there to hear my fears and calm me down.  He continually reassures me that His love for them FAR exceeds my love for them (that is hard to even comprehend).  He is the one that holds them in His hand - not me!!  I am not saying I have this motherhood thing all worked out but I do know the pressure is off.  They have the most perfect Heavenly Father who has their future in His hands.  I will just keep on loving them and trusting them to Him.  

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