Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Reunited, And It Feels So Good

There was no better sound that in the whole world than the sweet sound of feet running toward our room this morning. We had 2 kids that were so excited to see us!  They actually missed us!!  The hugs were so wonderful. I missed my little people so much. 

Thank you so much to Matt's parents for watching B & K. They had so much fun. Also thanks to my parents for taking over the kid watching duties the last day. We could not have gone on the trip without you guys. Thanks for allowing us to go and have this wonderful opportunity to get away. It was so nice to know that even though we were away the kids were well taken care of and loved (and maybe a little spoiled). 

The kiddos were so excited to see their gifts tonight. Ben requested Mickey ears so we found him these fun Chip and Dale ears. He also got a Mickey cup. 
Kate loved my medal (but she can't keep it - it's mine!!). Kate had asked for a princess cup with all the princesses. She also got an Ariel CD. They were both excited. 
So glad to be surrounded by my sweet ones!!  I don't like being away from them. 

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