Thursday, February 13, 2014

Snow Day 3

We weren't very sure what Snow Day 3 would bring.  This was the view at about 4:00 pm.  Not much.
 Then around 10:00 the snow picked up like crazy.  I looked out and this is what I saw.  HUGE snowflakes.  It was so cool.  I debated about waking the kids up to go play in it but I was on my own and it was really late.  I was hoping it would still be around in the morning.
 This was the view first thing in the morning. We got somewhere between 3 and 4 inches of snow.  I made the kids get up and moving so we could get out there.  I knew the sun was coming out and the snow wouldn't be around for long.  It was a really hard crusty snow so not the best snowman building but we still had tons of fun!
 Ok I just took tons of pictures and I love them all so I am just going to put them all in.

 The street was just beautiful.  It was so much fun to just walk around and enjoy the beauty.


 I think my favorite view was of the mountains.  They were just gorgeous all full of snowy trees!
 I really wanted the kids to get to try out sledding.  Paige had the smart idea of pulling out boogie boards.  They worked great.  We started out on the driveway and then moved down to the little hill by the lake.  The kids loved sledding.  We will have to find bigger hills next time.

 We even did some redneck sledding in the laundry basket.
 We had a blast!!  We stayed out for about 2 hours before we were all cold and ready for a break.  We went in for hot chocolate and breakfast.  The snow was pretty much gone by 11 but it sure was fun while it lasted.
Thankfully that should be the end of the snow!  Everyone is headed back to school tomorrow.  Just in time for Valentines fun!

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