Monday, February 17, 2014

Valentines Weekend

We had a really great Valentines weekend.  It didn't end up quite like we had hoped but it was still good.  The kiddos looked so cute on Friday morning ready for school!
 These were the cute little Valentine cups we had made for all of their classmates.
 First up was Kate's party.  Her little class is always so cute.  They enjoyed a fun lunch and goodies and then opened their valentines.

 Kate then went with my parents so I could go to Ben's class party.  Since I am the room mom, I had planned a lot of fun activities.  The kids loved the fun photo booth!!  I had the hardest time coming up with a craft idea and Matt had the brilliant idea to do a photo booth.  The kids loved all the props and being able to do silly faces.  They then decorated picture frames.
 We had ice cream sundaes.  It is a classic for Valentines day.
 Ben's favorite part is always Bingo.  This is his totally awesome teacher Mrs. Stokes.  She is just amazing!
 This is the point where things went downhill.  I got a call from my parents that Kate had thrown up all in their car.  Poor thing (and poor my parents for having to deal with it).  She didn't feel great all afternoon but perked up quickly.  We had to put off our normal Valentine tradition of going to dinner at Moe's BBQ.  That was sad but we did get to have our fun dessert for breakfast Saturday morning.  I set the table with our fine china and real silver.  We at cupcakes for breakfast and had sparkling grape juice.  It was lots of fun.

 The kids enjoyed their little treats.  Ben got 2 new Disney Infinity characters and Kate got a DVD and girl Lego holder.  I love getting to share little gifts with my loves!  Even though it was a day late we enjoyed our Valentine breakfast.
We spent the rest of the weekend just chilling out to make sure no one else got sick.  So far so good (we are still crossing our fingers).  We got lots done around the house and I got in 2 long runs.  We did enjoy the beautiful weather on Sunday afternoon.  We have a super big week coming up that should be really exciting!!

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