Sunday, March 2, 2014


Friday was dubbed by Ben as the "Best Day Ever."  There was so much going on for our sweet boy.  Such a fun day.  Also Miss Kate had a fun day at school with her PJ and pancake day.  
 First up for Ben was the kick off rally for Parade of Readers.  This is the big (HUGE) reading program for first graders at Ben's school.  They have done it for 17 years and it is a big deal!!  The kids have 5 weeks to read as many books as possible.  They get tons of incentives and fun things for each level they complete.  It starts with a big kick off program.  They sing songs and read poems.  This year the theme is "Reading Around the World."
 The program was awesome!  So cute and tons of fun.
 After the program there is a parade.  Every character/anyone special from the community is invited to the big parade.  There were over 70 different people in the parade.  The giant astronaut was one of my favorites.
 The middle school drumline even comes.  The entire school comes and watches as all the characters and 1st graders and family parade through the school.  It was so cool to have everyone cheering.
 Our super cute little explorer.  Ready to do some serious reading!
 I was on the committee that helped put the program all together.  We have been working since October (I told you it was a HUGE deal).  I am so glad to be able to be so involved.
 All the kids got a new book and a goody bag.  I have heard there will be tons of stuff that Ben will be coming home with!
 Ben and a few of his buddies!
 Ben's sweet little class.  It was such a fun morning for them.  After the parade they had a "read in" for the rest of the day where they got off to a great start to their reading.
 Since Saturday was Ben's birthday we got to celebrate Friday afternoon with his class.  His teacher is so much fun and she has a little cake for each child on their birthday.
 Ben also got to decorate a virtual cake that included a fun birthday song.  There may have been a little dance party going on!
 We brought cookies for the class and loved celebrating our boy with his school friends!
What a great start to the BEST Day Ever!!  And it was not over!!

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