Monday, March 17, 2014

Fun With Family

I was looking back through the pictures from the weekend and realized the weekend was all about fun family time.  There are no better weekends!!  Friday was a 1/2 day for Ben at school (random but nice).  We had plans to go to the movies but we stopped for lunch at Granna and Grandaddy's and didn't leave for over 4 hours.  Perry was there and the kids had a great time playing with him.  They strolled with Perry's car and spent lots of time fixing it when it "broke down."  

 My dad gave Ben a lesson in surveying.  So sweet!
 We went out to dinner that night to celebrate Ben's awesome report card.  We hadn't been to PF Changs in a long time so that is what Ben requested.  It was great!!
 Saturday morning Ben asked if we could go check on our Oscar.  Well Oscar has been down for like 5 months but we did go to the Botanical Gardens.  There was almost no one there and it was really nice so we had a great time.  Ben beat Matt at a giant game of checkers!

 Kate was an astronaut.
 Matt and I relaxed in the giant chairs.
 Ben and Kate relaxed in the hammocks.
 And we did some swinging.  It was great!
 Brett and Joanna were in town for the weekend.  We had not seen them since June so it was great to get to spend some time with them.  They came over Saturday afternoon.  Brett took Ben to baseball practice and helped out with it.  Joanna played princesses with Kate.  It was awesome to get caught up with them.  We grilled out and Andrew and Kelly joined us.  It was nice to have everyone together.
 Sunday night we went to Matt's parent's house for one last visit with Brett and Joanna.  We sure do hate they live so far away and hopefully it won't be so long before we see them again!
We are so thankful for our family and are always glad when we get to spend time with them!

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