Monday, March 10, 2014

Laid Back Weekend

I love weekends where you look at the calendar and there is absolutely nothing on it!  So wonderful!!  Add to that beautiful weather and you have this past weekend.  It was great!!  Friday night we had some friends over for dinner which was great to get caught up with them.  Saturday morning I cleaned out the garage while Matt did yard work.  Needless to say our garage was well overdo for a good cleaning out!  It's almost garage sale time so I've got a big pile going!
 Once we were all tired of cleaning and working we went to lunch at Pizza Hut (Book It!!).  Then went to the batting cages for Ben to get in a little baseball practice.
 We had a low key evening and then the kids asked to sleep in the living room.  No reason not to!
 Sunday we enjoyed an awesome message at church and then had a fun, lazy afternoon.  Kate and Matt spent a lot of time coloring.  So sweet.
 We have really struggled to find a life group at our new church but we have now found one really are really enjoying.  It was great to get to spend an evening outside while the kids played and the adults shared a meal.
So overall just a great weekend.  Now it back to real life.  The time change really threw the kids off this morning.  They slept until 7:00 when I had to wake them up.  Hopefully that will get better.

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