Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Mexican Fiesta & A Cookie Cake

We finished up celebrating Ben's birthday on Saturday night with a little family party!  We went out to the local Mexican restaurant for dinner.  Ben loved having them sing to him and letting him wear the sombrero!

We then came back to our house for presents and cake.  Mema and Opa even wrapped Ben's presents in Auburn paper!  
 Ben got lots of great gifts from our family.  Legos of course but also a Wii game, baseball equipment, some games, Odyssey CDs and other fun surprises.  He loved it all of course.
 Ben was so excited to have a Lego themed cookie cake.  I don't think there is much better than American Cookie Company cakes.  So yummy!!

 It was so much fun to celebrate our little guy with our family.  We love them so much and are so thankful for them.  I always enjoy the tradition of taking pictures of the birthday child with the family members at the party.  It makes for great memories through the years.

 I still can't wrap my mind around the fact that he is 7!!  We had such a great time celebrating his big day.

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