Saturday, March 29, 2014

Zoo Time

We so enjoyed our little road trip for Spring Break!!  I had good intentions of blogging as we went along on the trip but that didn't happen.  We just got home so I will blog our adventures over the next few days.  We drove down to my grandmother's house on Wednesday afternoon.  The kids are always so excited to go to GG's house!  They love playing with the retro toys she has and sleeping on her cot.  We all enjoyed a great dinner she made that night.  We got up early on Thursday to head over to Atlanta for a day of fun.  

Our first stop was the zoo!  We hadn't been to the Atlanta zoo since before Kate was born so we were excited to see it again.  

 Both Ben and Kate love maps so they did a great job of directing us through the zoo.

 I love flamingos!
 The Atlanta zoo has an awesome gorilla exhibit.  We saw a couple of baby gorillas and lots of gorillas fighting.  It was awesome to get to just sit and watch them interact.

 Kate's favorite animal is a kangaroo.  She was so excited to see them even if all they did was just sit there.
 The big draw of the Atlanta zoo is the panda bears!

 A set of twins was born back in July.  We saw pictures of them when they were babies and they were tiny.  They have really grown up.  They were so cute!!!  The mama panda slapped them around when they got underfoot and that was really funny to watch.

 No one was real excited about the reptiles but we went in anyway.  Not a fan of snakes!
 We finished off our time at the zoo with a carousel ride.
It was a great morning!  The weather was beautiful and we enjoyed seeing all the animals.  More Atlanta adventures to come...

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