Tuesday, April 15, 2014

Egg Hunt, Baseball & Friends

So we did do some other things this weekend besides just go to birthday parties.  On Friday I went down to Birmingham for a going away lunch for my boss.  Sue has been an amazing boss for the past 9 years.  She gave me a job right out of graduate school with no experience.  Then when we were moving up to Huntsville she made up a job for me.  I will always be grateful for her and all she has done for me.  It was good to get to spend some time at the hospital with co workers and getting to visit with Sue.  
Saturday morning we were invited to an egg hunt on my parent's cul de sac.  Ben is buddies with a few of the kids on the street and I am friends with some of the moms so everyone was excited.  Up first was an egg hunt.  
 Perry was so cute following Ben around looking for eggs.

 One of the teenage girls did face painting.

 Matt did balloon animals and was very popular!
We had a great time.  It was fun meeting some new people and getting to have some Easter fun.  
 Then we had to run to the ball field for Ben's game.  Ben had a great game!!  He got his first hit of the season.  We were all just a little excited.  He has been practicing and is getting so much better.  So proud of him and how hard he is working.  It is fun to watch the games.
 Saturday night we met up with the Wrights for dinner at Pizza Hut.  It is so wonderful to be able to call them up and meet up with them since they live 3 minutes away.  The adults got caught up and the kids were silly.  So thankful for such wonderful friends.
Sunday was mainly just church and relaxing (along with a birthday party).  It really was a great weekend.

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