Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Road Tripping Home

We left GG's house on Saturday morning but our adventures were not over yet.  This is how Ben spent all of his time during the long car rides - reading!!  That is all he is doing these days.  Matt had to put a limit on him during spring break so he wouldn't spend the whole time reading.  
 Our first stop was at the Alabama state capital building.  I have lived in Alabama all but about 3 of my 33 years and I have never been to the capital building.  It is just right off the interstate in Montgomery but we had never stopped.  Since it was a Saturday there was almost no one around.  I got a picture of the kids on the capital steps.  We hope to get pictures of them in front of all 50 capitals.  I think so far we have 4 or 5.

 I loved that they had beautiful camilla bushed planted all around.  It is the Alabama state flower and it is such a great flower and is blooming right now.
 This is the exact spot where Jefferson Davis was sworn in as the president of the Confederate States of America.
 Ben loved learning all about the history as we toured.  He was so attentive and asked some really great questions.  I think he might like history like most of the rest of the family does!

 We happened to find a door that was open and we walk inside the building.  We walked in and were asked if we were there for the 11:00 tour.  We said sure.  The tour was just starting so we got to go on a guided tour through the building.  It was awesome!!
 We got to see the old senate chamber where Alabama succeeded from the Union.  I learned so much about state history that I never knew.  
 Our tour guide was amazing.  He was a first hand participant in the Civil Rights movement.  It was so neat to hear his stories and get to hear a first hand experience of our state's history.  I am so glad we happened upon the tour.
 After the tour, we were back on the road again.  Our next stop was in Birmingham for a late lunch.  No trip through Birmingham is complete without lunch at Little Donkey and some Steel City Pops.  They were good as always.  We introduced my parents to their goodness and I think they are hooked as well.
Then it was back to Huntsville.  Great memories were made and fun was had by all!  I think road tripping is something we will have to do again soon!

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