Thursday, April 17, 2014

Throwback Thursday - Baby Ben's 1st Easter

Ben was just about 5 weeks old on his first Easter.  It was a pretty low key day for us since he was so little.  he did get a fun little Easter bucket (nothing too exciting in it other than some lamb ears.  I mean what do you get a 5 week old).  
Matt actually had to work on Easter that year so Ben and I just hung out together.  He was too little to go to church just yet.  He looked so cute in his little lamb ears!  We had a low key day but we did have my family over for an Easter dinner which was fun.
We attempted a photo shoot with our stuffed sheep.
He was not a big fan!
But then he decided he could eat the sheep and that wasn't too bad.
Love this sweet little boy.  Isn't he just precious!
My Mema and Papa came up for a visit to meet Ben.  It was nice to have them over.  It was the first and only time my Papa got to meet Ben.  These are some of my favorite pictures of them meeting Ben.  

Can't believe that was 7 years ago!  he has grown just a little bit!!

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