Ben has lots of little friends these days. He loves going to church and playing with Micha. At school he plays with Drake and he has so many friends in our neighborhood (Anna, Morgan, Graham, and Evan). But his best friend in the whole world is Brown Puppy!!!! Many of you have met Brown Puppy and seen Ben's love for him. We got Brown Puppy last Christmas from my parent's neighbor Mrs. Lou. It took Ben a little while to warm up to him but now they are inseparable. As you can tell, we are not the most imaginative when it comes to naming our stuffed animals but Brown Puppy really fits him. Ben loves to just hold him and twirl his tail around his fingers. That is how he goes to sleep each night. It is so cute. He provides Ben with such comfort!! We thought we had lost Brown Puppy last week and I didn't know what we were going to do. Ben always wants to take him with us when we leave the house and we try not to let him but he had taken him and hid him in the car. We just wanted you to meet Brown Puppy!
3 years ago
Adorable photo!!!!!!! Gabe's best friend is a white teddy bear with an even less creative name: "Teddy Bear"! He loves to twirl Teddy's red bow as he falls asleep, and many a night he has woken up crying because the bow fell off, and he can't go back to sleep until I tie it back on again :)! ~Jess
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