I am so sorry it has been so long since my last post. I really don't have a good reason. It was just nice to be lazy over the Thanksgiving holidays! So I took the time off from posting. I promise to get back at it this week!!
We had a great Thanksgiving. It is always so nice to take some time to thank God for all of his wonderful blessings! We actually drug our Thanksgiving out for almost a whole week! Lots and lots of turkey!! Last Sunday we had Thanksgiving with my family since my brother and Kelly were in town. It was so great to get to see them and hang out with them for the weekend! Ben loves playing with Uncle Andrew and Aunt Kelly!
Matt actually had to work on Thanksgiving Day so it was a pretty low key day for us! Ben and I watched the parade (he loved it of course)! And then we went up to the hospital to eat lunch with Matt. Good old hospital food for our Thanksgiving meal! Ben had a blast. He loves seeing his daddy at work plus he gets to ride the choo choo (tram at the hospital). Matt actually got off early so we did get to go out for some of the Thanksgiving festivities at his parents house. It was a great day!
Helping Granna fix Thanksgiving dinner! Ben loves to help cook!
Ben with Uncle Andrew & Aunt Kelly
Granna, Grandaddy & Ben Eating Thanksgiving lunch in the hospital cafeteria. Ben is eating a grilled cheese sandwich and corn on the cob. He is the world's pickiest eater and wouldn't touch any real Thanksgiving food to save his life!
Riding the "choo choo" at the hospital!
Ben running around at Mema & Opa's house
Touch football game - note Ben right in the middle of all the action!
Playing football with Daddy
All the younger kids - Ben decided he wasn't going to stand so he just sat down!
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