Do you know what a Puggle is? We didn't until a few weeks ago but now it is all we talk about around our house. It is a baby duck billed Platypus. It is also the name of the 2 year old AWANA program at our church. It is awesome! It is for 2-3 year olds. They teach them very simple Bible truths, do crafts, sing songs, etc. It is every Sunday night. Ben adores it!!! He talks about it all week long and then all day Sunday he asks a million times if it is time to go to Puggles. They have the cutest little shirts they all wear and Ben can't wait to put his on. You can see the pictures of him showing off his shirt. It is so cool to see what all he learns in there. They are studying how "God made Everything" and he can tell you all the different things that God made. It is so awesome. This little guy loves going to church!!
3 years ago
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