Ok after I typed that title it sounds funny but I will just leave it. I have a question for all you mothers of boys. Are your boys as rough on pants as Ben is? I noticed yesterday that we have ruined 4 pairs of jeans and 1 pair of Sunday pants (yes I picked him up from church and he had torn a hole in his pants!!!). Here is the carnage...
3 years ago
You are so not alone in this! Eli is down to only one pair that has no hole in the knee! Micah is close but not as bad. Gymboree is the best at lasting longer but to much $$$$ for rough little boys I feel ya girl!
Do you think he is just playing on his knees in the floor alot at MDO or something? I am sure the time is coming, but so far we haven't had this happen.
Some of those pants look familiar ;) And, I will say that Ben is the 3rd boy to wear some of them, so that probaby doesn't help (sorry!) We have not had that problem so far, somehow...but what if you just got some solid colored fabric and made some patches for the knees of the ones he has worn out for him to wear on the days he's at home or at a playdate and just save the "good" ones for the days he's at church or when y'all go somewhere nice? I know I always had "play clothes" and "nice clothes" growing up!
Hey, I JUST came across this tute for patching jeans and remembered this post, so if you're still looking, here's the link:
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