You may notice there are not many pictures of me on the blog. There is a reason for that. I can't take a picture without closing my eyes to save my life!!! It is pathetic. I really can't do it. Every single time I try to take a picture my eyes are closed.
I need some suggestions from all your really photogenic people and photographers out there. What can I do so that all my pictures don't look like this? It is sad when the 3 year old and 5 month look good but the mommy looks awful!!
Friday, April 30, 2010
Help Me Please!!!!!
Posted by Emily at 9:21 AM 2 comments
Thursday, April 29, 2010
Keeps Us Laughing!
Ben has been cracking us up these days! He says the funniest things. Here are a couple of "funnies" from the last week...
We were playing the game "Loaded Questions" with my parents last weekend. The question was "What mythical creature do you think could most likely really exist?" We were all busy writing down our answers. Ben, who was just sitting listening, responded in the most serious voice - "Ghosts." We all cracked up. How does he know about ghosts? How did he even understand the question that was asked? He is so funny!!
Every night when I am nursing Kate before she goes to bed, Matt and Ben come in and say good night to her. Ben has started saying "night-night" prayers for Kate. The other night he was going through his list and he said "Thank you God for Zaxbys." Then he got quiet for a minute and said "Please God help Kate be able to eat Zaxbys soon." It was all we could do to keep from busting out laughing. He felt so bad that Kate couldn't eat Zaxbys!!
Posted by Emily at 3:13 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 27, 2010
What A Big Girl
Sweet baby Kate is doing so many new things these days! She is turning into such a big girl. I can't believe how fast she is growing!!
I love this picture! It really shows how big she is getting. She LOVES to stand up. That is all she wants to do these days. She can stand up by herself as long as you hold one of her little fingers. So big!! She has done awesome the last 2 nights sleeping. She is going to bed at 8 and sleeping until 5:45 without a single peep!! I have actually woke up the past 2 nights at 3:30 panicking thinking something was wrong because I hadn't heard her all night!
She is also asking some big questions these days...
She is really getting interested in toys and playing. She started standing in the exersaucer the other day and loves it!!
Such a sweetie!!!
I wanted to brag on my husband for a minute. I have had to work late several days over the last couple of weeks. He has been amazing. When I get home dinner is cooking and the kids are happy! He does a great job of coming in from work and taking care of things. I am so appreciative of him and all he does!! Love you!!
In a totally unrelated note - I went shopping today with my friend Jessica. We went in 4 stores and I bought something in all 4 stores. All of you who know me know I NEVER buy anything when I am out shopping. I was so proud of myself. I bought a new sweater, some lip gloss, a shirt and a beach bag!!
Posted by Emily at 8:32 PM 3 comments
Monday, April 26, 2010
This picture may not seem like much but it represents a major breakthrough at our house!!
Ben and Kate were actually playing together!! Up until this point Ben has had nothing to do with Miss Kate. I think he has held her for a grand total of 1 minute (only when I made him for a picture). He has never been mean to her but he has had no interest in her at all. Now she thinks Ben is great. When he is in the room she only has eyes for him.
I walked into the living room today and Ben was stacking these blocks for Kate to knock over. He would stack them and then she was hit them. They would both laugh. It was the sweetest sight! I know they will be great friends one day very soon (and also be each others worst enemy at the same time).
Posted by Emily at 8:20 PM 3 comments
Sunday, April 25, 2010
"Stormy" Weekend
I put the stormy in the title of the post in quotes because it was supposed to be a super stormy weekend. The weathermen had been predicting this huge storm since about Tuesday of last week. It always cracks me up when they do that. I know they know that things could be bad but they make it out to be that it will be bad. I know in some places it was rough but here we got a little rain and about 3 bolts of lightening. Needless to say the "storm of the century" turned out to be a dud around here. Because of that all sorts of things around town were cancelled and everyone had a low key weekend. We had a great weekend in spite of the storms.
Friday I had to go down to Birmingham for work. It was an all day work day for me. I don't have those to often and when I do it makes me really appreciate the fact that I work part time. I don't have it together enough to work full time! It was a good trip down to B'ham. I did what I needed to do. The kids did great at school (Ben) and with my mom (Kate).
Friday night we went to our friend Ryan's "No Mo Chemo" party! I wrote about him back in the fall and the fight he was going through with lymphoma. We got to celebrate Friday night the amazing healing of God and the fact that he is cancer free!! It was a great party and a great time of celebration. We took the kids with us and they had a blast playing.
Saturday was low key because of the "storms." We got lots done around the house and also did some relaxing which was great. It is crazy that we don't have more Saturdays where we can do some relaxing. We all took a nap which was great!!
Today was church this morning. We had a great sermon on work and working for the Lord. Kate did amazing in the nursery!!!!!! It was the first time in 2 months that I haven't gotten called to come get her. She just had a good time with the ladies today. Maybe we have turned a corner! This afternoon we planted some flowers outside and enjoyed the nice weather. Our yard is really starting to look good!
Posted by Emily at 5:45 PM 4 comments
Thursday, April 22, 2010
Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea
One of our favorite set of books to read is the Mr. Putter and Tabby books. They are about an old man who adopts a cat. The books follow them as they have different adventures. My mom the librarian introduced them to Ben. He loves them. His favorite is the very first one called Mr. Putter and Tabby Pour the Tea. In it the cat, Tabby, and Mr. Putter have tea everyday.
Kate got a tea set for Easter and Ben had been dying to open it and "have tea." So recently I opened it and he has had a blast having tea with any and everyone. He pretends to be Tabby and whoever is with him has to be Mr. Putter. It is so much fun to watch him play tea. Ok I know Matt is going to kill me for posting this and it may not seem "boyish." But I think it is teaching him good manners. Plus he does it with Kate and it is one of the few things they can "play" together at this point. And it is just fun!! Enjoy some pictures of Ben and Kate's tea party today.
Posted by Emily at 8:25 PM 4 comments
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Hurry Scurry
This blog post is not going to turn out like it was originally intended. I had planned to talk about a busy hurried day and all I was going to have accomplished today. But as life has a way of doing it turned out a little different.
Had to get Miss Kate dressed! Ben wanted me to take a picture of the milk in the fridge. So I did and figured I would post it on the blog.
We hurried and scurried out the door and made it to school on time. Dropped Ben off and had a list of errands to run. I was excited about getting some things done. That is where the day went downhill. The first stop was at the Honda dealership to get the oil changed. The van needed more work than just an oil change and they said it would be 2-3 hours. I was not going to wait with a baby for that long so we left without getting that done.
Then it was on to several stores to get some things for a project. No one had what I needed. Mostly what I needed was a Target. I am just about "over" Target and the fact that they never restock. They are always out of what I need! So Kate and I totally bombed out on all our errands!
We were able to pick up her 3 month pictures that are beautiful! I was trying to buy frames so I can get them up on the wall but not today! I guess we will be making a trip to the other Target as I need matching frames to the ones I have for Ben's pictures.
We then picked Ben up from school. All was well. I was over the bad errand running. We came home and Ben was playing. Kate was happy in her bumbo. So I decided to bake a pie that I was going to take with a meal to some friends who had a baby. Halfway through the pie Ben comes walking into the kitchen with no pants on. He went poopy all over our bed and couch!!!! Lovely. Needless to say I was not happy to have to clean that up. I guess it just goes with being mommy. He finally fell asleep 10 minutes ago. I guess I will let him nap for a few minutes.
So my hurry scurry day where I was going to get so much done didn't really happen. Instead I ended up with none of my errands complete. But hey now I have a freshly washed bedspread and sheets! I must look on the positive side. I did manage to make some homemade guacamole for dinner so that will make it all better!
To quote one Miss Scarlet O'hara - "Tomorrow is another day!"
Thank you Lord that your mercies are new every morning! I will hold on to that!
Posted by Emily at 4:12 PM 1 comments
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
You Know You are a Mom When...
This box shows up at your door and you get excited...
Yep I made my first order with last week. I was so excited. I got a great deal on some diapers. I am a bit of a diaper snob when my babies are really little. I like Pampers Swaddlers diapers only. It is hard to find them on sale at all times. I noticed last week that I was down to my last box of diapers (from all the ones we were given when Kate was born - yep I haven't had to buy any at all). I got 182 diapers for $40 (22 cents a diaper - yes I do the math). I really liked how easy was. They were delivered to my door in 2 days. Let me know if you are interested and I can give you a code to get $10 off your order.
Because the post would be boring without pictures of the kids. Here are some pictures from today...
Posted by Emily at 8:36 PM 3 comments
Monday, April 19, 2010
Springtime in Auburn
I mentioned in my last post how much I love Auburn in the Spring. It is just beautiful with all of the flowers in bloom. I remember in college going for long walks just to enjoy the flowers (and avoid studying). Probably the best date Matt and I ever went on was a walk through the Arboretum on campus one April. It was just beautiful.
My aunt and uncle have an amazing yard with some of the most beautiful flowers you have ever seen. I enjoyed taking some pictures on Saturday. These pictures are not nearly as good as my friend Jess' (see her blog on the side - The Gordon Family) but I thought they turned out pretty.
It brings back such great memories of an amazing 4 years in Auburn!
Posted by Emily at 6:38 PM 1 comments
Sunday, April 18, 2010
A Weekend in Auburn
We headed down after work on Friday. Good car trip. It is so wonderful to have 2 kids that don't mind to travel. We spent Friday night hanging out with my grandmother (GG to Ben and Kate) in Lafayette. Ben loves GG!! When I told him on Friday we were going to her house he got so excited! He cried when I picked him up from school and we didn't go to GG's house right then.
On Saturday morning we got up and headed into Auburn. Kate got to finally meet my grandmother.
Posted by Emily at 2:42 PM 1 comments