This blog post is not going to turn out like it was originally intended. I had planned to talk about a busy hurried day and all I was going to have accomplished today. But as life has a way of doing it turned out a little different.
Had to get Miss Kate dressed! Ben wanted me to take a picture of the milk in the fridge. So I did and figured I would post it on the blog.
We hurried and scurried out the door and made it to school on time. Dropped Ben off and had a list of errands to run. I was excited about getting some things done. That is where the day went downhill. The first stop was at the Honda dealership to get the oil changed. The van needed more work than just an oil change and they said it would be 2-3 hours. I was not going to wait with a baby for that long so we left without getting that done.
Then it was on to several stores to get some things for a project. No one had what I needed. Mostly what I needed was a Target. I am just about "over" Target and the fact that they never restock. They are always out of what I need! So Kate and I totally bombed out on all our errands!
We were able to pick up her 3 month pictures that are beautiful! I was trying to buy frames so I can get them up on the wall but not today! I guess we will be making a trip to the other Target as I need matching frames to the ones I have for Ben's pictures.
We then picked Ben up from school. All was well. I was over the bad errand running. We came home and Ben was playing. Kate was happy in her bumbo. So I decided to bake a pie that I was going to take with a meal to some friends who had a baby. Halfway through the pie Ben comes walking into the kitchen with no pants on. He went poopy all over our bed and couch!!!! Lovely. Needless to say I was not happy to have to clean that up. I guess it just goes with being mommy. He finally fell asleep 10 minutes ago. I guess I will let him nap for a few minutes.
So my hurry scurry day where I was going to get so much done didn't really happen. Instead I ended up with none of my errands complete. But hey now I have a freshly washed bedspread and sheets! I must look on the positive side. I did manage to make some homemade guacamole for dinner so that will make it all better!
To quote one Miss Scarlet O'hara - "Tomorrow is another day!"
Thank you Lord that your mercies are new every morning! I will hold on to that!
Oh. My. I bet you're glad that's over! I'm impressed with your positive attitude after a day like that! ~Jess
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