So I was just noticing this was my 300th post! Can't believe I have written that much. I am really enjoying trying to post almost everyday (well at least when we have something exciting to post). It is helping me to remember what is going on in our everyday lives!
Yesterday was a crazy day. I had to work all morning. I saw 4 patients which is a bunch for me. Then I ran home and picked up Ben from my mom's and we headed down to Birmingham for an eye appointment. My mom was super sweet to watch Kate so we didn't have to drag her along with us. We made it to Birmingham just in time for our appointment. You may remember we missed one a couple of weeks ago due to the stomach bug and I had to miss one back in March because I got food poisoning. I was very worried that someone was going to get sick yesterday.
Ben did great at the appointment. His eyes still aren't focusing like the doctor wants them to. We have not been good about patching because Ben hates it and because it is so hard to fit into our schedule. So the doctor wants him to do some eye drops that will cause him not to be able to see out of his "good" eye and force him to use his "bad" eye. Bad news is the drops have some crazy side effects and you can't go in the sun with them in. That is not good for summertime. So we are going to hold off on them until the end of the summer and try using the patch between now and then. Pray that this can work and we can get his eyes back focusing right.
The appointment took 20 minutes and then we were back on the road. So we drove a total of 4 hours for a 20 minute appointment. Kind of crazy. But it was a special time for me and Ben. There hasn't been many opportunities lately for us to just hang out together. We had some good talks and also got to eat dinner just the 2 of us. It was really fun. It was also neat to get to hear all the comments people had to say about Ben when we were out and about. Everyone loves his curly hair and glasses. Since Kate has been around we haven't heard many Ben comments so it was fun to hear all those! I really enjoyed my time with my little man!
When I got home you should have heard Kate!! She started squealing and laughing. It was the sweetest sound. She missed me so much. I was away from her pretty much all day and she wanted her mommy! Made me feel so loved. I have the best kids!
3 years ago
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