Is it really only 3:15?? It has just been one of those days. We have enjoyed being at home today but it has been a little crazy. Just one of those days when I feel like a mom. All I have done is comfort crying kiddos and wipe behinds. In between all that I have done 6 loads of laundry, ran errands and swept the floors. It is just all in a days work I guess! I wouldn't trade this job for anything. My mom did bring me some beautiful sunflowers that made the day super great.
What makes all the hard work so great is the great kiddos I do it for. They crack me up! Ben's things lately is that he will only wear shirts that have green on them. He has a closet with probably 35 shirts in it (I way overbuy). Of those maybe 7 have green in them. For the past 2 weeks he will only wear green shirts. I have never seen a 3 year old boy care so much about his clothes. I am not willing to pick a fight with him over clothes so all he has been wearing is the same few green shirts. Don't know the fascination with green but hopefully it will end soon so he will wear something else! Here he is in one of his green shirts.
Miss Kate is cracking me up with how she sleeps these days. When I lay her in the crib the first thing she does is go around and untie all the bumper ties. I don't know what she has against them being tied but she wants them untied. Then she crawls up to the upper left hand corner of her crib. She pulls her sheep over he head and goes to sleep. It is the same every single time! So funny!! Note the untied bumper and the sheep over her head.Just had to throw this one in. Look how long and curly her hair is getting!
3 years ago
I was chatting with another mom about this same topic today - how we have these days when we're like "Seriously? All I did today was change diapers and clean up the house and it is still a mess?" Haha! But isn't motherhood still the most rewarding job? Kids are such a HUGE blessing!!! P.S. Love the cute photos!! ~Jess
I feel the same way Emily! But it is the greatest job ever!
Love the green shirt saga! Elijah cares way too much about his clothes too, Ethan on the other hand would stay in his pjs all day everyday!
and too funny about Kate and her bed!!!
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