My sweet little man started Cubbies a couple of weeks ago. Cubbies is the 3 and 4 year old AWANA program at our church on Sunday nights. He did Puggles last year and now he has moved up to Cubbies. This is much more structured. They have memory verses each week they have to learn that go along with their stories. They also do fun games and sing songs and such. It is a great program. Ben has already learned 3 verses (God loved us and sent His Son. While we were sinners Christ died for us. Everything He had made was very good. ) He has earned his vest and will start earning patches for his vest. I better learn how to sew quickly so I can sew on those patches! I am so proud of my little guy!
3 years ago
the patches are iron on! No need to sew:)
my boys had their orientation to Cubbies last week and tomorrow is their first 'real' night. interesting to see how different churches do things....we had to buy our vest, no earning it...but they do earn their patches. i was thinking the same thing, that i have to learn to sew! they did tell us that the patches are made to be ironed on, but they said they don't hold up so well, so they highly recommended sewing....great!!!
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