So Tuesdays have never been my favorite day. Mondays are ok because you are just coming off the weekend. Wednesday is hump day. Thursday means it is almost Friday. And well Fridays are wonderful. But Tuesdays have just never been that exciting.
But lately I have come to look forward to Tuesdays. Tuesday is Bible Study day!! I love my Bible Study time!!! 2 hours with no kids (always good). I am doing an amazing study call No Other Gods. I highly recommend it. I have so enjoyed my awesome leader and all the ladies in the study. I don't think I have ever done a study where I so look forward to going. God is teaching me some amazing things.
Then after Bible Study a bunch of us moms stay at the church and eat lunch while the kids play. It is wonderful!! A couple of hours where I get some mommy chat time. I have come to learn how wonderful that time is. It is a time where I can share what is going on and what struggles I have with some great friends and know that they are going through the same things. It is always such an encouraging time. I love my "mommy friends" as I like to call them. And I especially love our Tuesday time together. I always leave refreshed and ready to face the rest of the week.
I took my camera today to take some pictures of the kids playing but I totally forgot. But I did snap this picture when we got home. Yep this is another reason I love Tuesdays. Both kids are worn out and will take a nap!!!
3 years ago
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