Each year it seems that our nativity scene has some "adjustments" made to it. Batman and the Joker have even visited. Yesterday I noticed that our two nativities had been combined along with some of Kate's doll house people. The manger was getting very crowded. That got me thinking about how that is what God desires! He wants everyone to come to the manger and worship the King of Kings! He desires for the whole world to crowd around the manger. It is so amazing to me to think about how that God in all His glory was contained in a small baby. That truly is the reason we celebrate this Christmas season.
Who, being in the very nature God
did not consider equality with
God something to be grasped,
but made himself nothing
taking on the very nature of a servant
being made in human likeness.
Philippians 2:5-7
I love how she had every toy looking right at Jesus!
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