My greatest desire as a mom is to make sure that I make the most of every opportunity to train up and teach my children in the ways of the Lord. The window of opportunity for teaching them is so small that we have to take advantage of every opportunity. I feel like I have already missed out on some but I pray that I can make sure to every one that comes up in the future. That also means I have to make teachable moments. I cannot just sit back and wait for the perfect opportunity to arise. Two areas that have been on my heart lately are prayer and missions. I so desire for my children to be prayers and to also have hearts for missions.
We have been very intentional in teaching the kids about prayer but we have struggled in praying for specific requests. I saw the prayer bucket idea on pinterest and a friend's blog and loved it. All it took was a bunch and some sticks. On each stick and wrote a family member, country, issue or other prayer request. Each kid gets to pick one per day during prayer time and pray for what is on the stick. They have loved it!! It is so sweet to see and hear them pray for specific requests. We are excited to add more sticks.
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