Sunday, February 28, 2010

Girl's Day Out

Yesterday was a big day for Miss Kate. It was her first girl's day out!! My mom and I are all the time going on fun "adventures" when we can. I love our girl's days. I have the best mom in the world!! She truly is my best friend. So of course we love doing fun things together. Kate got to join us on our fun day yesterday. We went to a consignment sale and got some great deals on shoes and clothes for the kiddos. Then we had a fun lunch together at Cantina Laredo. We finished up the day with a baby shower for a friend. It was a great day. Kate did wonderful she took it all in and slept a lot.

I look forward to years of girl's days out with Kate and my mom. I pray that I can be 1/2 as good a mom as my mom has been. I also pray that I can have as special a relationship with Kate as my mom and I do.

Yummy lunch at Cantina Laredo! Love me some guacamole.

Granna & Kate

Sweet Kate at the baby shower. She looked so cute in her brown sweater dress (thanks Aunt Kelly!)

3 generations of East/Eckley women!

1 comment:

  1. oh my she looks adorable in her little sweater dress!! I just love to see all three generations having such special times together! I feel the same about my mom...we have the most fun together! such a great post emily!
