Monday, March 1, 2010

Dear Ben On Your 3rd Birthday

Happy Birthday to my sweet 3 year old little boy!! It is so hard to believe that you are already 3 years old. It seems like only yesterday you were a tiny little baby I could hold in my arms. Now you are a fun loving always on the go preschooler. You are an amazing little boy! Each day I am amazed at how smart you are. You always make my days exciting. It truly is a joy to be your mom!

You have grown so much over the past year. You lost your little baby belly. You are tall and skinny. You weigh around 34 pounds or so and are somewhere around 38 inches tall. You are wearing mainly 3T clothes. Thank goodness for adjustable waist pants because we need to take in that waist to get them to fit you in length.
Your personality just continues to shine through. You are a happy guy. You love adventures and new things. Really I don't think you have ever met a stranger.

You have a heart that so wants to please. I can tell your desire is to please others. That makes me so proud. You are in conflict at times because you are also very strong willed. You have very specific things that you want and if you don't get them you make it known. You also want control (hence why you are not fully potty trained and are the world's pickiest eater). But you are such a sweetie. I pray that you continue to have a sweet teachable heart!

Your favorite toys have to be anything superhero. Batman, Spiderman, Superman and Green Lantern. You love them all and could play them all day long. You also love board games. Your imagination is really starting to work overtime. You love to pretend to be animals and also to make up stories. Your favorite movie is Cars but you also like Madagascar and well pretty much any movie. You are a bit obsessed with TV and movies. You will watch anything at anytime. I think you could sit for 10 hours straight in front of the TV if we would let you. Some of your favorite shows are Super Why, Word Girl, Sesame Street and Diego. You also love to sing songs. These days everything is a song to you. You can take any word or phrase and turn it into a song. It cracks us up.

You are talking more and more each day. You have been behind in your talking but you are starting to catch up with your friends. You will repeat almost anything these days and we can understand you most of the time! It is great to hear you say so many things. And what you do say cracks us up!

You love going to school. You go 2 days a week right now. It is amazing everything you are learning. You know your letters, numbers, colors and shapes. You are beginning to work on putting together letters and words. You have lots of friends that you love to play with. Some of your best buddies are Evan, Micah and Derek. You also love going to Puggles at church. It is so great to see you learning Bible concepts at such a young age.

You are a motor skills kind of guy. You love to jump and run all the time. You are always on the go!! Sports are your thing. You love to watch them on TV and play them. You told us the other day you didn't want to play an instrument you wanted to play football, hockey, baseball and soccer. Maybe you will be the athlete in the family.
You are still a really bad sleeper. You don't sleep through the night but a few times a week. Hopefully someday soon you will start sleeping more!
You continue to be a super picky eater! There are only a few foods that we can get you to eat. Your favorite food is "yellow cheese." You love fruit and yogurt as well. Chicken nuggets are your favorite meat. You also still love tacos and chips. Your favorite restaurants are Chick-fil-a and Zaxbys. Maybe one day you won't be such a picky eater!!
This past year has been full of new experiences for you. You loved all your travels including our cruise and beach trips. You have also adjusted to being a big brother so well. You really don't care much at all about your baby sister. You do help mommy out a lot with her but as long as she doesn't get in your way you are fine. I can tell you are going to be a great protector to Kate and a wonderful friend.
Happy Birthday little guy!! I so look forward to this next year with you. It is going to be so much fun to see how you continue to grow and change. I love you so much!! Mommy

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