Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Birthday (the real day) Fun

It seems like we have been celebrating forever this 3rd birthday!! If you can't tell I am a huge fan of birthdays. Yesterday was the official big day so there was even more celebrating to be done. Matt took off yesterday and today. It has been wonderful having him home. Such a special treat. Here is Ben's birthday in pictures...

We started out with presents from mommy and daddy first thing when he woke up. He loved his new Handy Manny workshop! He also got his very own digital camera!
For lunch we went to Red Robin. He loved the food and the fact that they sang to him and gave him a sundae!

Kate enjoying the birthday lunch at Red Robin Enjoying that yummy sundae!

Mommy and the birthday boy!

We invited all the grandparents over for a special birthday dinner (tacos of course!) He got even more presents from grandparents. He loves his new dinosaur toys and his books and bookshelf.

Mema, Opa, Ben and Kate
Granna, Grandaddy and Ben
The Eckleys
One more time singing... Granna made a great cookie cake for Ben

It was another really fun day! I hope Ben really enjoyed it and felt special! One more party tomorrow at school....

1 comment:

  1. I love the picture of all four of you! Ben's smile is so sweet!!
