Wednesday, March 3, 2010

One Last Party!

I know you guys are getting tired of hearing about Ben's birthday. Today was the last party I promise. It was his party at school. We made football cupcakes to send for the kids in his class.
Ben loves going to "school" (it is Mother's Day Out). He goes 2 days a week for 5 hours. When I tell him it is school day he gets all excited. He loves it. He is in the 2 year old class. There are about 10 other kids in his class. His teachers are Mrs. Judy and Mrs. Carrie. Some of his buddies in his class are Derek, Turner and Eli. They do all sorts of fun things at school. He comes home with a beautiful piece of artwork everyday (my fridge has long run out of room). He is also learning so many wonderful things. He will just start singing a song that we haven't taught him and I will ask him where he learned it and he says "at school." I love that he is learning new things from so many different places. I am super excited for him to go to preschool starting in the fall (if he will get fully potty trained!!!) Here are some pictures from his school party.

1 comment:

  1. He will be talking about his birthday for months. I'm sure that he has had the best few days ever. And don't stress about potty training. Claire wasn't fully potty trained until a couple of months after she was 3. I know it's awful during the process, but he will get the hang of it!
