Thursday, March 4, 2010

Slow Day During a Busy Week

We are enjoying a super slow day today. Really we haven't accomplished much at all. Haven't even left the house. It is nice to have these slow days every once in a while. This has been a busy week for us. Monday was all Ben's birthday fun. Tuesday we had Kate's 3 month pictures (didn't go well. She was not excited to take pictures so we are redoing some of them on Saturday) and then Life Group visitation at church. Yesterday was school for Ben and then I worked and spent all evening at the Kids Kloset presale getting some great deals on clothes! My friend Jennifer and I love going and finding great deals. Then today we have really done nothing. I have done a few things around the house and even started working on Kate's baby book. Ben has played with his new toys all day and Kate has been enjoying being Kate. Fun stuff! Then it all starts again tomorrow. We have another busy weekend planned. Actually looking at the calendar the entire month of March looks busy. It is going to fly by!!!

Mema and Opa bought Ben drums for his birthday. That should not be allowed!
Here are some of the clothes I got for Ben at Kid's Kloset. I mainly got stuff for him since I had a lot for Kate. Although I did find a couple of pretty dresses for her. These sales crack me up. Everyone with their big baskets of clothes. Moms knocking each other over trying to get to the good stuff.


  1. You are a better woman than I for shopping the consignment sales. I do NOT have the patience for them! I don't like crowds and shopping together. Looks like you got some great stuff!

  2. wow! drums! The boys have been asking for some musical instruments too, but I am not so sure about the drums! ha!
    Looks like you found some great things for Ben, I need to start giving up on dressing the boys alike so I can buy them more at these sales. I just went this morning to 2 and found them nothing, but bought lots of Abby! I thought of your post a while back while I was shopping, I have no idea what is cute for girls! And I am torn over what sizes to buy for her for summer. I almost called you but realized it was only 8am your I refrained!
