Friday, March 5, 2010

New Things from Kate

Miss Kate has been up to some new tricks lately so I didn't want to wait for her next "birthday" post to write about them.

First off, she continues to just be beautiful!! I loved this little skirt and sweater on her.

She has become a baby on a schedule. This has been a huge adjustment for us. We are not schedule type people. I do well with flexiblity. Well, Kate wants a schedule. A couple of weeks ago she was having a hard time sleeping. I finally figured out that she needed to go to bed earlier. So she has started going to bed between 7:15 and 7:30 each night. She nurses and then goes to sleep. I then don't hear from her until 4:30 or 5. Yes that is around 10 hours of sleep. And if she gets off this schedule it is not pretty. So we are in the process of adjusting our life to her schedule. She loves her soft lamb to sleep with and she sleeps on her side (yes I know I am breaking 2 rules for sleeping babies but she is sleeping 10 hours!!)

She has always been a huge paci girl but in the last 2 days she has discovered her thumb!!! That seems to be the go to "thing" right now. She had been sucking on her hands anytime she didn't have her paci so I am glad she finally found her thumb. I am ok with her being a thumb girl but I hear it is much harder to get rid of than the paci. Her poor hands are so chapped from her chewing on them. I also think we are starting the teething process. She drools all the time and has been more fussy than usual. I am sure it will be a while before we see a tooth but the fun has started!!

And her new big trick is that she is rolling over (tummy to back)!! We realized that we never put her on the floor to play like we did with Ben because we were afraid Ben will jump on her (he likes to jump off furniture onto the floor). So we started putting her on the floor more on Monday and then Tuesday she begins rolling over. I love it when they learn to roll over because they roll and it shocks them and they cry because they don't know what to do. It is so cute!

Some rolling action


  1. That lamb is by Angel Dear, isn't it? The best lovies EVER!!! BB has the giraffe and she's BB's best friend.

  2. Kate is SO pretty!!!! Gabe and Julia are both big time schedule lovers. That is fine by me, since schedules mean lots more sleep :). P.S. I don't advise getting rid of her thumb, she's gonna need it when she grows up HEHE. ~Jess

  3. Kate is just adorable!!! I just love all that hair! (by the way, Ethan told us last night that he had a dream about his baby sister and she had red curly hair!) Anyway, the boys had that same lamb but it was blue, I love how soft it is!

  4. I can't believe how much she is already doing! It seems like just yesterday when she was born! And I see a glimpse of Ben in her, but oh my, they don't look a WHOLE lot alike to me! Same eyes maybe, but different color! Anyway, she's a doll.

  5. She's growing up! Glad she's doing so well. Also glad someone else has a furniture diver and a newborn! Poor Kaylee doesn't get any floor time for the EXACT same reason! haha
