Tuesday, March 16, 2010

4 Months Old!

Can you believe it is already time for the 4 month old post??? The time is flying by. Sweet baby Kate is 1/3 of a year old. Ahhh!! She is growing so much. It is about time to start planning that 1st birthday party (I told you I am obsessive). This month it finally started to feel "normal" again. Like we were finally in a routine. Here are some things about Kate-Kate (my nickname for her this month) at 4 months old:
  • You are still the world's best baby!! So sweet and loving. You love to snuggle up with a fuzzy blanket.
  • When you smile your smiles lights up the room! You don't smile a lot or for just anyone but when you do it is awesome. You are also starting to really laugh. You open your mouth so wide and just let out the cutest little laughing sounds.
  • You are an awesome sleeper!!! You have really gotten on a schedule in the last month. You wake up around 4:30 or 5 most mornings to eat but then go back to sleep until around 7:30 or 8. You then take a nap around 9:30 or 10 for about an hour. Then you take another nap around 1 or 2 for 2 - 3 hours. Bedtime for you comes early at about 7:15 or 7:30 each night. You sleep through the night pretty good. I usually have to go put your paci in your mouth a couple of times but you are doing better. I usually lay you down awake in your crib and you snuggle up with your sheep lovie and paci and fall asleep on your own. You are great!!
  • You are still a great eater. You nurse 6 times each day (about every 3 hours during the day). No other foods for you yet. We will probably wait another month or 2 before starting them.
  • You weigh 12 pounds 3 oz. Still a little thing! You are wearing 3 month clothes for the most part. Although you are wearing some 3-6 month at times. You finally moved up in diaper size. You are up to size 1-2s!!
  • You are getting so strong. You love to roll (tummy to back). You also stiffen those legs so good to pull to standing. This weekend you even sat up on your own!!
  • You love to play patty cake. You also love to have us sing songs to you. You have really started reaching for toys and "playing" with fun little things. You favorite things continues to be to watch Ben play!
  • This past month was full of fun things. Lots of outings to new places. Nothing really exciting but you really fell into a normal routine as part of our family.
  • You continue to bring us so much joy!! Happy 4 month birthday sweetie!


  1. She is so cute!!!! She reminds me so much of Katie Jo as a baby, and we aren't even related. LOL :) I can't believe it has been 4 months already either. The time really does amaze me sometimes.

  2. She is so cute Emily! I just love all that hair! Has she lost any of it or has it stayed nice and full? I can't believe its already been 4 months!!!

  3. So adorable! You are doing great with the monthly updates! - Jess

  4. Seriously, one of the prettiest baby girls ever! Happy 4 month birthday, Kate.
