Monday, March 15, 2010

Pirate Ben

We went and got an eye patch today for Ben to begin wearing. It is not as bad as I thought it was going to be. No black patch that makes him look like a pirate. It is a cool one with "Lightening McQueen" on it. Dr. Jennifer was wonderful in helping us. She even gave him another quick eye exam to see what was going on. Overall he was doing pretty well. She didn't think it was too bad but didn't see that it would hurt to wear the patch. So for 2 hours a day we are going to try to patch him. The thought is to patch his "good eye" so that it forces him to use his "bad eye" to see. It works best if he is doing close up "work" when it is patched so we will do a lot of reading, coloring and games.

When we tried it out this afternoon, he was not excited about it. It was sort of sad. He really didn't want to wear it. We used the iphone timer and had him wear it for only 10 minutes (thanks for the timer idea Kim!) We will work on building up to 2 hours. With it on he loses all peripheral vision on his left side so he does run into things while walking. Poor guy! When he looked in the mirror with the patch on, I asked him if he thought he looked cool and he just said "nope." Pray that we can get him to wear it and he can adjust quickly to it!

Still a cutie even with a patched eye! I think it is sort of cool looking.

Close up work on the iphone was a good way to start. He went longer than his 10 minute timer.

I finally got a picture of him with his tongue sticking out. I love this. He does it when he is concentrating. I think it is so cute. This winter he kept a chapped face around his lips from doing this so much.


  1. I glad the timer worked! Micah thought his eye patch was cool! He said he wanted one!:)

  2. Aw, what a cutie, love the last pic! Gabe will need a patch too if his glasses aren't effective enough. ~Jess
