Sunday, March 14, 2010

A Lazy Kind of Weekend

This is a lot of what has been going on at our house this weekend...
Yep it has been a lazy kind of weekend!! We didn't plan anything because I figured everyone was going to be coming down with the stomach bug that I had. Nope. I guess it was food poisoning or some sort of non-contagious bug (which I have never heard of!!) So it was great to have a nice relaxing weekend!!
Friday night Matt and I had date night while Mema and Opa watched the kiddos! We went to dinner and then did a little shopping. I went to try to spend some of my Christmas gift cards. Couldn't find anything for myself but I did buy some clothes for the kiddos. I have no clothes but they look great!! Saturday was a super low key kind of day. Just did things around the house. We did go to the church to play on the playground since it was raining. But other than that not much went on. Today was church but no other activities. It was wonderful. We haven't had a weekend like this in forever. Lots of napping!!! I think we all needed it.
This week will be different. It is spring break which means no school for Ben (boo!!) Plus I have a busy work week. So there will be lots of balancing things going on.

1 comment:

  1. haha...super cute picture of little kate napping on her daddy!
