Friday, March 12, 2010

Doctors Appointments

I have learned really quickly that with 2 kids my calendar is filled up with doctor's appointments. And these have just been well visits. I can't imagine if we had sick visits! This week was Ben's week. He had his 3 year check up and his eye exam.

His 3 year check up went great. He weighed 34 pounds (75%ile) and was 37 3/4 inches tall (60%ile). So growing great. Everything looked great. We got some special lotion for his really dry skin and scalp. I talked with Dr. Patz for a long time about his speech. He recommended that we continue to seek some therapy through the schools. So we need to work on getting that evaluation done. He said Ben was perfect except for the "very impressive" cyst over his eye. That made me laugh.

Yesterday was his eye exam. I didn't think it would be a big deal because the last 4 have been the same so I felt fine about my dad going. Since I didn't go, of course, there was a change. He is not using his "bad eye" like he should. The doctor wants him to start wearing an eye patch for 2-4 hours each day to help force him to use that eye. This will be interesting. I am not so sure what he will think of an eye patch. Hopefully we can just do it at night so it won't bother him when we are out. We are going to see our friend Dr. Jennifer on Monday to get the patch so I will post some pictures then.

Several of you have asked about Ben's surgery for the cyst over his eye. It is scheduled for Monday April 5th. We ended up going with the surgeon here in Huntsville because of our insurance. So surgery will be at Huntsville Hospital. If everything goes well, it will just be a day surgery and he will be good to go! He is really going to look like a pirate with a patched eye and a big scar with stitches on the other eye! Every little boy needs a scar over their eye is what I think. It adds character.

We are looking forward to a low key weekend!! Not much going on. Matt and I even have a date night scheduled. YEA!!!! Happy Weekend!!

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