Friday, April 16, 2010

5 Months Old

I can't believe I am writing Miss Kate's 5 month post! Time is flying. She is getting to be such a big girl. Here are some things she is up to at 5 months:
  • You are a girl who wants to be on the move. You are a wiggler. No sitting still for you. Constant motion when you are awake. Those little arms and legs are always kicking. You have learned how to turn yourself around in circles when you are lying on the ground. It won't be long until you are moving wherever you want to go. You are so close to sitting up. You can "tripod" sit very well. I bet it will be just a few more weeks and you will be sitting up.
  • You are a vocal girl these days. You love to make noises and sounds. You have really begun to let us know when you want something (that means you can really cry). The best sound in the world is your little laugh. It is so sweet. You love to laugh and smile!
  • You are still a little girl. You weigh 12 pounds 14 oz. Still tiny. You are wearing size 2 diapers and 3-6 months clothes.
  • You continue to be good at sticking to your schedule. You nurse 6 times a day still but we have added cereal 2 times a day in the last couple of weeks. You are not real sure what you think of the cereal yet. You take 2 or 3 naps each day (1-2 hours each). You go to bed around 7:30 each night and sleep until 4:30.
  • You like to play with toys and lay on the floor.
  • This past month has been a big one for you. You went on your first trip to New Orleans. You got to meet your best friend Paige and play with your buddy Isaac. You have also spent several hours outside everyday. So many fun things!
  • You continue to have such a sweet little personality. You love to snuggle and be held. You love your mommy and don't really like it when I am not around (especially in the church nursery). You are such a joy!!!!

Happy 5 month birthday sweet girl!! We love you so much.

1 comment:

  1. oh, so sweet! I can't believe its already been 5 months! It goes so fast! I still can't believe how much hair she has either!!!!
