Sunday, April 18, 2010

A Weekend in Auburn

We decided early in the week last week that we were going to take a weekend trip down to Auburn. There is no where on earth as wonderful as Auburn in the Spring!! The weather is wonderful and the flowers are gorgeous. It was the annual A Day game so we could also throw in some football! What could be better?? My mom was already heading down that way so she rode with us which was great to have an extra set of hands. I have lots of family that live in the Auburn area so it is great to get to see everyone. Here is our weekend...

We headed down after work on Friday. Good car trip. It is so wonderful to have 2 kids that don't mind to travel. We spent Friday night hanging out with my grandmother (GG to Ben and Kate) in Lafayette. Ben loves GG!! When I told him on Friday we were going to her house he got so excited! He cried when I picked him up from school and we didn't go to GG's house right then.

On Saturday morning we got up and headed into Auburn. Kate got to finally meet my grandmother.

We ate a great lunch with at my Aunt Susan's house. They have the most beautiful yard. They even have chickens. Ben loved the chickens.
Kate with Aunt Susan
Granna and Ben running in the garden.

A family picture. Those don't happen very often. We were all dressed in our Auburn clothes so we needed a picture.

My cutie!

Matt, Ben and I then headed over to campus to go to the A Day game. We first stopped by the new basketball arena. It is super cool!
We met up with our friends the Wellers for a little while. They were also exploring campus before the game.

Ben was dying to get into the game so we went on into the stadium. We learned very quickly that we are not hot weather football fans. If you remember we went to a game back in the fall and it was freezing. Ben loved every minute of it. We stayed for the entire game even though it was below freezing and late at night. We made it through 1/2 of the first quarter on Saturday before we were all too hot. Needless to say we will be doing late October or November games from now on!

Some of the action. Don't really know what went on with the game. Did I mention it was hot?
So we headed out. It was still fun to go to the game for a little bit and just enjoy some fun time around campus.

Kate was smart and stayed at my aunt's nice a cool house. She looked super cute in her Auburn dress (thanks Brad & LeeAnn)!

After the game, we went and visited with my college roommate, Jamye, for a little while. Jamye is wonderful! She and I lived together for 4 years during college. Needless to say we got to know each other really well! She is expecting her first baby is a couple of weeks so we got to go see her new house and Miss Morgan's room. So that was a super fun stop.
It was a great weekend of family, friends and football. Really nothing better than that is there?

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