Monday, April 26, 2010


This picture may not seem like much but it represents a major breakthrough at our house!!

Ben and Kate were actually playing together!! Up until this point Ben has had nothing to do with Miss Kate. I think he has held her for a grand total of 1 minute (only when I made him for a picture). He has never been mean to her but he has had no interest in her at all. Now she thinks Ben is great. When he is in the room she only has eyes for him.

I walked into the living room today and Ben was stacking these blocks for Kate to knock over. He would stack them and then she was hit them. They would both laugh. It was the sweetest sight! I know they will be great friends one day very soon (and also be each others worst enemy at the same time).


  1. aw, that is sweet! I am sure as she gets older and becomes more 'fun' for him that he will enjoy playing with her more!!!

  2. that is so so sweet! That's awesome that they can play together already.

  3. I'm so glad you captured this precious moment between the two of them :)! ~Jess
