Tuesday, April 27, 2010

What A Big Girl

Sweet baby Kate is doing so many new things these days! She is turning into such a big girl. I can't believe how fast she is growing!!

I love this picture! It really shows how big she is getting. She LOVES to stand up. That is all she wants to do these days. She can stand up by herself as long as you hold one of her little fingers. So big!! She has done awesome the last 2 nights sleeping. She is going to bed at 8 and sleeping until 5:45 without a single peep!! I have actually woke up the past 2 nights at 3:30 panicking thinking something was wrong because I hadn't heard her all night!

She is also asking some big questions these days...
Daddy told her no it didn't! She has started rolling over from back to tummy. She can roll just about wherever she wants to go. The other day I heard her "talking" loudly and I went to find her. She had rolled under the chair in the living room. She was stuck halfway under. So funny

She is really getting interested in toys and playing. She started standing in the exersaucer the other day and loves it!!

Such a sweetie!!!

I wanted to brag on my husband for a minute. I have had to work late several days over the last couple of weeks. He has been amazing. When I get home dinner is cooking and the kids are happy! He does a great job of coming in from work and taking care of things. I am so appreciative of him and all he does!! Love you!!

In a totally unrelated note - I went shopping today with my friend Jessica. We went in 4 stores and I bought something in all 4 stores. All of you who know me know I NEVER buy anything when I am out shopping. I was so proud of myself. I bought a new sweater, some lip gloss, a shirt and a beach bag!!


  1. wow! I can't believe how fast she is growing either! Time just goes so fast when you become a mommy! She is gonna have the best hair! Did she lose any of it when she was born? I am having some serious heartburn...and of course you know what everyone keeps saying!

  2. She is so adorable! She will be walking before you know it :)! ~Jess

  3. She is so pretty!! And I cannot believe she is standing!! Wow!!
