Saturday, April 3, 2010

A Day of Easter Fun!

We have had a blast today doing some early Easter celebrating! All week we have been reading through the Holy week story in the Bible at night. Ben has really enjoyed learning the Easter story. He is starting to get it a little. Somehow one night it turned into a parallel with superheros and Jesus. But hey he was getting it! We have also been using the Resurrection eggs to help teach him the story as well. He loves those!! Easter is probably my favorite holiday just because of the hope it represents.

We did the majority of our fun celebrating today so that tomorrow we can focus on the true meaning of Easter and not be so rushed! This morning the kids woke up to their Easter baskets (we don't do the Easter bunny but they do get baskets from mommy and daddy!)

Ben with all his "loot." He got some Legos, Batman plates, a picture frame and a Larry Boy DVD set! He was super excited. He has been playing with it all day!
Kate checking out all her goodies. She got a beach towel (we needed some girl ones), a soft Pottery Barn bird house, some baby food and a popping toy.
Ben is in love with Larry Boy these days so he was super excited about his Larry Boy DVDs!
Kate loved eating her birds!
This morning for breakfast we made "Resurrection Biscuits." They are super easy and teach an awesome lesson.

You take crescent rolls and roll them out. You then place a marshmallow in the middle and roll the dough up around it.
You then brush it with butter and top it with cinnamon and sugar.

When you bake them the marshmallows melt away leaving the rolls hollow. You then can share the Easter story with your children talking about the empty tomb. Ben loved them!!
Kate and I did some last minute Easter shopping (I needed to find a dress for myself). We also got to go to a special "Pastries with Paige" for our sweet friends the Wrights. It was a meet and greet for baby Paige. Fun to see some old friends and spend some time with Paige again! I thought Kate looked super cute in her blue dress for the fun!

We then did some Easter egg dying!

They turned out so cute!
Finally we finished the day by making our traditional tomb cake! So awesome!!

It was a super fun day!! We are ready to celebrate tomorrow!! There is so much to celebrate. He is not dead, He is risen!!!! Happy Easter!

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