Thursday, April 1, 2010

Wonderful Day for the Park!!!!!!

Today was the day I have been waiting for. The day to pull out the shorts (well capri pants for mommy - my legs are too white for shorts just yet). It is an absolutely beautiful day outside!! We had a park playdate with our friends Jessica and Genevieve. We had a blast. Ben, Kate and I spent over 3 hours outside. The weather was just perfect. Mid 70s with a nice breeze. It was great!!! I just noticed I got a little pink on my arms. Yea for summer!!

I put Kate in the swing and she loved it!! Look at those cute little feet. She is going to be barefoot all summer! That is a butterfly on her outfit and she kept trying to eat it.
Genevieve looked so cute in her hat! Her mom was smart!
Ben won't swing so he played on the slides!

The girls swinging! Look how tiny Kate looks. She had her 4 month check up on Tuesday. She weighed 12 pounds 7 oz. That is the 14th%ile. I can't believe she is that small. She was 25 inches (65%ile). But she is doing great meeting all her milestones!
We had a fun picnic lunch!

Then went down to the creek to throw some rocks!

And do some "fishing"
Kate loved being outside! She had a rough day yesterday. I forgot to give her Tylenol after her shots so she ran a fever of 102 all day and just didn't feel good. But today she has bounced right back! Have I said I love all her summer clothes! I think this outfit is so cute!
Ben even took his sandals off and stuck his feet in the water.

I am so glad spring is here to stay!!!!!! We have another fun playdate tomorrow at the park. Ben is so excited.


  1. Just caught up on the last three posts :)! Kate is getting cuter and cuter! Gabe doesn't get a lot of holes, but plenty of stains. He grows out of his jeans before he wears them out. I couldn't believe we both took pictures of the girls with cokes on the same day (I saved mine for April Fool's) - it is so funny to me how many things we share in common. ~Jess

  2. FUN!!! We have been outside constantly this week. Kate is too cute, she and Katie Jo continue to be the same. LOL KJ wore 0-3 month clothes most of her first summer and she was born in Jan!

    We have the same problem with pants here!!! Josiah is 6, and it is no better. He is actually worse than Eli!
