Sunday, April 11, 2010

Me and My Girl!

You have probably noticed that I am not the most photogenic person in the world. And lately I can't take a picture with my eyes open. My dad took this picture yesterday of me and Kate! I love it. I look decent and Kate looks so stinkin' cute! She looks so tiny! I love my little gal!
We have had another awesome weekend. It has been busy. Nothing really exciting just lots going on. Things that just needed to get done - yard work, meeting with financial advisers, etc. Saturday morning with our neighborhood yard sale. My mom always has lots to sell. Last spring I had tons too ($400). I spent all of about 10 minutes preparing for the sale on Friday night and made almost $60. Not bad for so little prep and stuff. It is always interesting to watch people who come to yard sales. I don't know why I enjoy them so much. We also spent lots of time outside. It continues to just be beautiful!
Today was another awesome day at church. We had a great parenting seminar today. Kate continues to struggle in the nursery. She doesn't like to be away from mommy. They have had to call me to come get her just about every week. I thought we were going to make it today but my number flashed in the last 5 minutes of the service. Poor baby was just beside herself. I think she has learned that if she cries mommy comes so she could just be manipulating the situation. We never had this issue with Ben so this is a new experience for us. It goes along with her sweet nature and temperament.


  1. Great pic! She is so adorable!!!

  2. Love the pic!!! We have the exact same problem with Julia and nursery! Sometimes I think I could just copy and paste your blog posts to save myself the effort :).
