Friday, April 9, 2010

Mom of 2

My friends that have 3 or 4 kids will probably laugh at this post. I have been wanting to write for a while now about what it is like to have 2 kids (some of my friends with just 1 have been asking me what it is like). I have to admit I was slow to come around to the idea of having another baby. I wanted another one but I just had reservations about it. I wondered how in the world I could love another child as much as I loved Ben. And then the question of how in the world I could keep up with 2 kiddos just kept running through my head. I like order and to be in control. I worried with 2 kids my world would be rocked.
Well I was right. My world has been rocked. It has been wonderful! I love sweet baby Kate just as much as I love Ben. Overall we have settled into our routine fairly easily. It helps that Kate is such an easy going little gal. Believe me we have our moments where it all seems out of control. I feel like there is always someone crying and needing something. I will look up at the clock and 3 hours have gone by without me noticing because I have been so busy taking care of everyone (and usually not myself).

One day a few weeks ago I almost had a meltdown. Kate had a massive blowout diaper so I was changing her when I remembered that I left cookies in the oven that were about to burn. So I ran and pulled them out of the oven. I warned Ben not to touch the hot pan as I ran back to finish changing Kate. Then I heard a blood curdling scream as Ben touched the hot pan. I ran into deal with him and threw Kate on the couch. As I was putting "boo boo bunny" on the burn I noticed that Kate was about to roll off the couch! In a span of 2 minutes I made all sorts of mommy mistakes and almost lost it! We all survived.

This week has also been trying. Kate is getting more independent. Starting to try to sit up and scoot around. She is also not happy unless she is in the middle of everything. I am seeing even more challenges in the future. I am sure I will be stretched even more. But I wouldn't trade it for anything. The wonderful love from both of the kids is amazing. And the opportunity to shape 2 little lives is something that I treasure. I guess I can say that being a mom of 2 means that there is never a dull moment but it sure is fun!

1 comment:

  1. Great post! I can so relate (and I don't see how my friends with 3 or more kids survive). Glad you're enjoying the adventure :). ~Jess
