Thursday, May 20, 2010

A Couple of Crazy Kids!!

Just wanted to share a few pictures of my wonderful kiddos just being themselves. They are awesome (I don't think I could ever say that enough). Sure there are days when it is rough being a mom but they make it all worth it!!

My sweet Batman loving little man!!
Enjoying the golf cart on a sunny day! I thought he looked like such a little golfer in his plaid shorts.
We were having fun with an alphabet game. I wrote out the alphabet in chalk on the driveway and daddy would call out a letter. Then he and I would race to the letter. It was a great way for him to work on his letters. He loves anything that involves a race. Such a competitive little boy!
Messy Kate!! She loves to eat but also loves to make a mess. She is great at eating but moves around so much while eating that it just gets all over her. She also loves to make mouth noises so the food sprays all over herself!
Such a sweet girl. She can sleep anywhere. I had just laid her on the floor to play and she rolled over and got in her "happy position." She was out like a light in the middle of the family room with noise all around her.

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