Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Mother's Day Gifts

Happy Wednesday to everyone!! Hard to believe the week is half over already. It is flying by. I am working 3 days this week so that is probably why it is going so fast. We also spent an hour and a half waiting at the surgeon's office yesterday for a follow up appointment for Ben. That will make a mom go crazy quickly! Not a child friendly office so it was a long day for a 2 minute appointment. Anyway - Ben is at school today enjoying his last Wednesday for the year so Kate and I are at home enjoying the quiet for the last time.

I thought I would share my wonderful Mother's Day gifts that I got and just finished putting up. I have had a plan for a while of some things that I wanted to get to update my entryway and living room so Mother's Day was a good excuse to get them...

My new favorite place on the Internet is I got this amazing verse for our foyer for super cheap and I got to custom design it. We love this verse and had been wanting to get it for a couple of years now. I am so excited!!
I also got started on Miss Kate's hallway display. It will have her newborn, 3 month, 6 month and 1 year pictures just like Ben.
I had also been wanting to put up some more pictures in the family room. With an open floor plan there isn't much wall space and we don't have much table space for setting up photos. So I decided to do some shelves with lots of pictures on them. I think they turned out awesome!!!


  1. love the verse Emily! I just custom made some verses for Abby's room and the boys room too! Now I just need to get them on the wall! If these turn out good, I want to get some for the rest of the house too! Love all the pictures too!!!!

  2. Just wanted to say "hi". I just found your blog - linked over here from the Rodgers blog. Love all the fun photos you have displayed in your home. Take care and I hope to see you at church soon.
