Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Following "the Rules"

After 2 days of being stuck in the house potty training, we finally left the house today. Not for anything exciting mind you. It was for Kate's 6 month doctor's appointment. It went great. She weighed 13 pound 15 ounces (yes that is down from 2 weeks ago when I weighed her - not sure why. We are praying it is not a problem) and was 25.5 inches long. Weight was 10th%ile and height was 35%ile. She is meeting all her milestones plus some. The doctor said her sitting up was that of a 7 and a half month old. I think they just make that stuff up. Really what is different in how a 6 month old sits up and how a 7 month old sits up? He said she looked awesome and to keep doing what we were doing. We then went to visit Matt at work for lunch. That was fun. It was Kate's first trip to daddy's work. He loved showing her off to all the nurses and pharmacists. Both kiddos loved the attention!

So the doctor's visit today brought up and interesting thought for me... following "the rules." I have had this conversation with several friends lately. When it comes to babies do you do what the doctors and the books tell you or do you do your own thing. I have always considered myself a rule follower but I have found as a parent I am not. I sort of do my own thing. Like today the doctor said not to give Kate table foods until she was 9 months old. Well we have already been giving her some really soft table foods and will continue to. Is it bad that I don't follow "the rules"? Are you a rule follower? Do I care that I don't follow all the rules out there? Deep thoughts for a Wednesday night!

Here is Kate eating her table food at 6 months as I totally break the rules!

Oh - I just have to share. Matt showed me the funniest blog today.

We have been laughing all night at so many of the posts. You have to check it out!


  1. Rules were meant to be broken I say! :) no seriously, God gave YOU the title "Mommy" to your particular two kids, and He will give you all the wisdom and insight you need to raise them right. Trust your God-given instincts!!

  2. I totally don't follow parenting rules.... The list is long and sorted as to all of the rules we've broken as parents. Just look what a horrible child BB has become because of it. ;-). It also really depends on the doctor you have or the book you're reading. There's some horrible advice (rules) out there!!!!

  3. I follow no "rules" here. LOL I made my own baby food with Eli so he had table food when he started eating solids. :)
